Weight Management



About Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy


Weight management is now more of an issue for many people. It has an effect on our health both mentally and physically. There are many reasons people become overweight but most are related to emotional issues rooted in the past.

Buried emotional events may cause overeating as a means of self protection, self preservation and security. These memories remain buried deep in the subconscious, even if there is no conscious memory of the event. Whenever the person feels bored, unhappy or lonely they will use food as a coping mechanism.

Weight management involves making changes at an emotional level. Lack of motivation is one of the main challenges people face. Hypnotherapy can help the client to uncover the initial emotional or traumatic event that is causing their current attitude towards food. The subconscious mind is given powerful suggestion techniques to help change negative thoughts and feelings surrounding food and eating.

The aim is to help make you feel more confident and to develop a powerful positive mind enabling you to reach your goals with an enhanced motivation.